Programming Assignment Writing | 3+ Steps to Pursue While Developing It
Programming, indeed is a tiring task, but without this, you will not be able to work on any software or website. As the IT sector is growing day by day, many students are focusing to be a programmer. It is not that challenging, but one needs to follow a procedure to run a code smoothly. While following this direction, some students face hurdles and seek professional assignment help from experts.
So, let us consider the steps to be followed:
There is no simple way to run a code smoothly, you have to follow these steps to do it properly:
Analyze The Problem
The foremost step for programming is to identify the problem or the issue. This step can be renamed as, finding the solution because you have to tie down what you want to achieve. To do it, there are two stages:
- Requirements
The first step is to analyze the issue carefully to try to figure out the best solution for the problem. A single problem, might have various solutions, and all of them will have something in common. So here you have to work on the exact thing you want to do.
- Specifications
The next step is to look at all the needs and decide what exactly your solution will do to fulfil them. As already discussed, all these solutions have something in common, so here you have to decide, specifically what your final program will do or what you aim for.
Designing a Solution
After you have identified all the things need to solve the issue, following step is to figure out how to turn these specifications into a program that runs. It is the most challenging task to complete.
A programmer should be able to make a design and write a program from it. This design includes all the crucial structures in brief and not in detail. When this design is completed, you must know how the computer will fulfil these specifications, that will meet your requirements.
Write a Program
- Coding
After designing, your next step should be to code the program. In this, you will translate the logic with the help of tools. A programming language is s set of rules that instruct the computer how to operate something. Coding can be said as translating the raw design into an actual program. There are things that you have to include in it, a title, introduction, references etc.
- Compiling
It is the process of turning the program written in a programming language into instructions that are made up of 0’s and 1’s, which a computer can understand. This process is crucial as the chip which makes a computer only understands the binary code.
- Debugging
After the compiler has looked into your program, it will return to you with the list of errors and this is common with all programmers. It is simply looking at the program, identifying the mistakes, rectifying and then recompiling them. This process will repeat several times before your program gets executed smoothly.
It is the final step in the entire programming procedure. In this, you have to test your basic idea. This step is crucial as a program might be correct for the compiler, but it might not meet your expectations. Through this, you have to check whether it solves your original issue or not. A sentence may be syntactically correct, but on the grounds of semantics, it is total nonsense.
Now, you have an idea of how to write a program, so consider the different levels of programming language that you might need to work on.
Levels of Programming Language
Generally, the programming language is divided into categories, that go from lower to higher. It depends on the closeness of that language to the computer. These can be classified into five levels:
Machine Level
As a human, you will not prefer numbers, instead, you will prefer them with letters and words. But, machine language is stuck strictly to the numbers. This machine or the lowest level of language represents programs and data as 0’s and 1’s, also called binary digits. Every type of computer has its unique machine language.
Assembly Language
In today’s time, these languages are considered at a low level, as they are not easy for people to use like others. When developed, it was the best to use as it replaces I’s and O’s used in machine language. This one uses mnemonic codes and abbreviations that are easier to use.
These codes are A for Add, C for Compare, MP for Multiply, and so on. Although these are not English words or phrases, they are much easier than numbers.
To use this language, a translator is required, to convert assembly language into machine one.
After this came into use, the transformation of programming language began. This program was written somewhat in English to make it more convenient. It resulted in completing a task with confined effort.
It also uses a translator, as the symbolic statements of this language have to be translated into machine language executable by a computer. These translators are generally the compilers.
Very-High Level
These languages are known as fourth-generation languages or 4GLs. These are essentially shorthand programming languages. An operation that requires hundreds of lines at the high level now requires five-ten lines in very-high levels of languages.
Natural Language
Sometimes these languages are referred to as knowledge-based languages. It is so because these interact with the base of knowledge of a subject.
Now, you are aware of the procedure to follow for creating an executable program. In addition, you also know the different types of programming languages used. If you are still stuck somewhere, you can seek programming assignment help from experts to guide you in the right direction.
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